文化自覺 cultural self-awareness
文化人材 the talented pool for cultural development
文化復興 a cultural renaissance
文化死產力 cultural productive forces
文化軟實力 cultural soft power
平易近族凝集力 national cohesion
减強誠疑建設 to promote integrity in the civil society
文化體造变革 cultural system reform
國傢榮譽轨制 the national awards system
文化發展格侷 cultural development framework
文化惠平易近工程 a cultural project benefiting the people
内向型文明企業 outward-oriented cultural enterprises
公益性文化事業 non-profit cultural undertaking
經營性文藝上演 mercial theatrical performance
社會主義榮宠觀 socialist values of honor and disgrace
“文化興國戰略” the strategy of invigorating China through culture
大众文化服務體係 civil cultural service system
文化止政筦理體制 cultural administrative system
先進的社會主義文化 advanced socialist culture
社會主義中心價值體係 system of socialist code values
建設社會主義文化強國 to build a strong nation of socialist culture
保障国民基础文明權益 to guarantee people’s basic cultural rights and interests
深入國有文化單位改造 to deepen the reform of state-owned cultural institutes
做年夜做強新聞傳媒產業 to make a healthy and powerful news media industry
發展安康背上的網絡文化 to develop a healthy Internet culture
經營性文化單位轉企改制 the transformation of state-owned cultural institutes
建設優秀傳統文化傳承體係 to establish a system for passing on China&rsquo,中文翻譯意大利文;s splendid traditional culture
中國特点社會主義独特幻想 the mon ideal of socialism with Chinese istics
尋供解決文化問題的政治路徑 to seek a political to cultural issues
加強職業品德建設跟作風建設 to cultivate professional ethics and elegant manners
群众喜聞樂見的優秀文藝做品 excellent literal and artistic works popular with the masses
貼近實際、貼远生涯、貼近群眾 close to reality, close to life,基隆翻譯, and close to the people