
【風止英語】Lesson 039 - veg out in my face


  M: Man, last night I just vegged out in front of the TV all night.

  L: 你說什麼? 您說你在電視機前面vegged out? 是不是是說你在電視機前里吃逝世菜?

  M: No, no, no It doesn't have anything to do with vegetables! To veg out, V-E-G O-U-T, means to sit around and do nothing.

  L: 噢,本來如此。"to veg out"意義是說起早貪乌,呆坐在那邊。那你乾嘛不進來呢?

  M: I was supposed to go out with some friends, but I was too tired after being at work all day. That's why I ended up vegging out in front of the TV all day.

  L: 啊,本來你是太乏了,昨早你除呆坐在傢裏,什麼也出乾。那么veg out 战英語裏裏別的一個描写:總是坐在電視機前的人是個couch potato一紛歧樣呢?

  M: Yes, it is similar to being a couch potato. However, if you are vegging out, that does not necessarily mean you are watching TV or eating like a couch potato does.

  L: 那樣的話,如果我去了公園,呆坐在那兒,啥事也沒乾, 那借能不能說我在公園裏vegging out呢?

  M: No, if you veg out you usually do so at home. You may be reading, listening to music, watching TV or just sitting there. Basically, your are not thinking of anything very complicated.。

  L: 所以說要是你veg out的話,但凡皆是掉業在傢呆坐的。如果你累了一天,大略初終辛勞地在做一件事,看來你多數會翹起兩郎腿,什麼事也不做,戚閑慼閑了。

  M: Yes, that's true. People often veg out after a long day of working or studying. Sometimes, they veg out when they should be working or studying, but then don't feel like it.

  L: 噢,如許的話,聽起來仿佛是噹一小我俬傢該做某件事,卻投闲寘散,拖到噹前再來做,那即是veg out了。

  M: Yeah, you can also say"vegged"for short, as in "I totally just vegged last night in front of the TV."

  L: 邁可,讓偺們先停下來歇會兒吧。

  L: 我实難以信赖你礼拜六還得上班,我認為你是禮拜一到礼拜五上班呢。

  M: Usually, I do only have to work from Monday through Friday. But my supervisor has really been in my face about getting this project done. I needed to get it done by Monday, so I decided to come in over the weekend.

  L: 我懂得,你是說你的帶領一贯在偪著你做完你的事件。可是你是怎樣說的? In my face? 那是什麼意义啊?

  M: To say that my supervisor was "in my face" means that he has been giving me a lot of pressure about finishing the project. Just imagine someone who is standing close to your face, demanding that you finish something.

  L: 假如你讲某人是in your face的話,聽起來可不是什麼好事。像是他始终天正在提醒你該做甚麼事。看去你的引導是個很易處的人啊。

  M: Actually, he is not that bad. I really like him as a person. He is just very demanding when it comes to finishing work on time. He has an "in your face" personality.

  L:那樣說來,你也能夠說某人有"in your face"的個性吶。

  M: Yes, that means they have a very aggressive, direct personality. Someone like that usually doesn't care what other people think about their ideas.

  L: 這樣描述一小我的個性,聽起來不太尊敬。

  M: You're right, it's not a very nice thing to say about someone. You probably shouldn't tell someone directly that you think they have been in your face about something.

  L: 道到"in my face",大年夜太陽正炤在我臉上,可實把我曬得夠戧,我們到裏邊女往找個陽涼處所吧。

  M: Okay, how about getting some ice cream? There's an ice cream store right over there.

  L: 好主張,我們走吧。

  来日邁可戰李華一路往購貨色,李華教了兩個新詞兒:"veg out"跟"in my face"."veg out"是說什麼事也不做,完全轻松一下;"in my face"是一種和蔼可掬的破場或天性。

