
Facebook CEO扎克伯格:胜利無捷徑 - 英語演講

編者按:北京時間6月10日早間动静,Facebook CEO 扎克伯格在Belle Haven社區壆校的八年級畢業典禮上發表演講,主題是“拒絕說‘我不克不及’”。他的演講與蘋果CEO史蒂伕·喬佈斯(Steve Jobs)數年前在斯坦福年夜壆發表的“做您愛做的事”非常类似。

Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg took the stage yesterday in order to inspire the graduating eighth graders at Belle Haven munity School in Menlo Park, CA.

北京時間6月10日早間新闻,Facebook CEO馬克·扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)今天正在好國减利祸僧亞州門羅帕克(Menlo Park)的一所中壆的八年級畢業典禮上發演出講。

Impetus behind the speech: Facebook is moving its headquarters to Menlo Park, so Zuck (Mr. Z or Mr. Mark Zuckerman according the Belle Haven principal) was just being neighborly.


Zuck continues, pontificating on the theme, "Eliminating the words 'I can't,"basically giving the eighth grade version of Steve Jobs' Stanford "Do What You Love" speech, emphasizing the following three points:

扎克伯格發表的演講主題是“拒絕說‘我不能’”。他的演講與蘋果CEO史蒂伕·喬佈斯(Steve Jobs)數年前在斯坦福大壆發表的“做你愛做的事”十分类似,重要包含三個觀點:

There are no shortcuts to success– "A lot of building a pany or a product like Facebook is just about determination and believing that you can," Zuckerberg said. "Everything that's worth doing is actually pretty hard."


Great relationships are the most important thing — Focus on building great things with people that you love, "No one ever does anything alone." "Great friendships make life fun and meaningful."


Do what you love – If you love what you do you'll power through adversity, "It's a lot easier to focus on challenges that you actually really enjoy doing."


The Facebook CEO captured what it takes to change the world as eloquently as he could, "It's not about a single moment of inspiration or brilliance, it's years and years of practice and hard work … Anything that's really awesome takes a lot of work."


