

W.C一詞是wafter-closet的縮寫,此中closet一字本作“小室”解。《两十世紀辭典》對water-closet的解釋是:一間用做室的小室,“排出物”是用火沖走的。W。C的意义易明,所以曾被廣氾埰用。然而由於從從皆知W。C所指為何,葡文翻譯,因而有些人認為不雅观,便以其余較露茺的遼眼來替换,如lavatory, restroom, bathroom, toilet powder-room等字,皆有能够用來指廁所。在个别公眾場所,廁所背例如以性別區分,男用的多寫上men,或gent’s,女用的則寫上women或ladies‘。是以在中國生齿中,W。C一詞不達意基础已消散;但正在良多以英語為基礎外語的处所卻還保存著,果為易於上心,一聽之後便不會记記,這能够算是語行上的一種特点。

至於lavatory,裏各種設備的名稱,現列舉於下。今朝奼的屋宇,為了節省处所,常常把廁所也設在浴室之內(其實這是不衛死的),所以設備偈包含有:shower(淋浴),bathtowel(浴巾) soap-stand(肥皁盒),water tank(水箱),close-stool(馬桶),lavatory brush(沖洗刷)等需要用品。


駱傢輝演講:中好關係的已來(雙語) - 英語演講

編者按:駱傢輝,美國平易近主黨黨員,在1997年至年間擔任華衰頓州州長,是第一個擔任美國州長的華裔美國人。 1996年11月5日,駱傢輝以百分之五十八的比數獲選為華盛頓州第21任州長,他是美國歷史上第一位的華裔州長,也是第一名能在美洲大陸主政的亞裔州長。3月8日美國總統奧巴馬提名駱傢輝擔任駐華大使。6月23日美參議院外委會將駱傢輝大使提名提交齐院表決。美國參議院7月27日舉止表決,一緻同意現任商務部長駱傢輝出任美國駐華大使。正式成為美國歷史上尾位華裔駐華大使。8月14日下战书在駱傢輝大使民邸初次舉行媒體見里會。以下為駱傢輝9月9日在北京中國語大壆就中美關係的已來發表的英語演講。在演講中,駱傢輝表现懽迎中國的突起。


Remarks by U.S. Ambassador to China, Gary Locke


Beijing Foreign Studies University


September 9,


President Chen, faculty and students of Beijing Foreign Studies University:


Thank you for inviting me here today. It is truly an honor to be here, and I congratulate you on celebrating your 70th anniversary.


The start of a school year marks a new beginning for students. And so it’s fitting that I’m here to talk about a new beginning of my own.


I want to say how grateful I am for the warm wele that my family and I have received from the Chinese people.


As you know, my ancestral home is in Taishan in Guangdong province. Since our arrival, the people of China have made my entire family feel, simply put: at home — And we are grateful.


I know that there are very high expectations for my tenure as ambassador.


I understand why: I am the first Chinese-American to hold this post. And I do have a proven record:


As a governor;


As merce Secretary; and


As a man who has mastered the art of buying his own coffee AND carrying his own luggage!


I will do the best I can as U.S. Ambassador.


And although there is much work ahead to strengthen and expand U.S.-China cooperation — and to manage our differences when we don’t see eye-to-eye — I begin my ambassadorship with confidence that the overall state of our relationship is strong.


One thing I do know is that the people in this room will have a lot of influence in the future of the U.S.-China relationship.


For 70 years, Beijing Foreign Studies University has been a training ground for hundreds of China’s top leaders, including my friend and YOUR ambassador to the U.S., Zhang Yesui.


Whatever your careers, in the years ahead, you will be the international face of China, and your choices will determine the steps China takes in confronting its own — and the world’s — challenges.


But today, I’d like to discuss the steps I believe we must all take in strengthening the US- China relationship.


To understand where the U.S.-China relationship is going, it’s helpful to remember just how far it has e already.


When I first attended college in 1968, a gathering like this would not have been possible — because America did not even have an ambassador in Beijing.


Contrast that with today, when it could be argued that the U.S.-China bond is one of the most important bilateral relationships in the world.


For 40 years, our two countries have been increasing our cooperation and interconnectedness for a very simple reason:


It is in our mutual interest.


Millions of jobs are sustained in China and the United States by the trade we do with one another. American consumers benefit from the goods made in China and daily the Chinese people rely on high quality U.S. products and services. And, as our panies make investments in each other’s countries, we are creating jobs for our peoples.


Every year, the prehensive Strategic and Economic Dialogue brings together policymakers from across both governments to discuss topics ranging from breaking down trade barriers to economic cooperation to collaborating on pressing regional and global issues.


To meet the challenge of global climate change, the U.S. and China can build on a legacy of over 30 years of cooperation on Science and Technology issues.


Similarly, the United States and China share an interest in maintaining peace and prosperity around the world.


Our defense ties extend back to World War II, when our soldiers fought and sacrificed together.


Today, our defense interactions take place at the most senior levels, with the PLA Chief of the General Staff and the U.S. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff working to improve lines of munication and strengthen the U.S.-China military to military relationship.


Perhaps our greatest security challenge is the existential threat posed by the proliferation of nuclear weapons and materials, in particular from North Korea’s nuclear and missile programs.


China has been a vital partner as chair of the Six-Party Talks, with a unique role because of its historic relationship with, and influence on, North Korea. The United States and China share the mon goals of peace and prosperity on the Korean Peninsula and North Korea’s plete and verifiable denuclearization in a peaceful manner.


Our countries must also continue to work together to address the Iranian nuclear program. We have coordinated an effective dual-track approach — leveraging international diplomacy and sanctions — with the other Permanent UN Security Council members as well as Germany to send a clear message from the international munity to the Iranian regime that it must live up to its international obligations.


And the examples of shared security interests go on: from Afghanistan to Sudan.


We may not always initially agree on exactly how best to achieve our shared objectives. But when we successfully work together we often find mutually beneficial outes that serve the interests of all parties.

我們也許不是總能夠在一開初就對若何最好達到我們的独特目標获得完整一緻,但噹我們胜利天一路尽力時 ,我們經常能夠获得滿足各圆好处的互利的結果。

Think broadly about the contributions our nations have made to civilization. I recently visited the Diaoyutai guest house where four wood panels illustrate the Chinese contributions that defined the world for centuries: the pass, gunpowder, papermaking and the printing press.


And in the United States, we take great pride in our contributions — such as the light bulb, the television, the personal puter, and the Internet, which has changed all of our lives so profoundly.


From the flash of gunpowder to the light of electricity, from the printed page to a webpage, from navigating the waters of the globe to navigating the Internet, our two nations have contributed so much to the world of today.


Think about what we can do, in partnership, to improve the world of tomorrow.


So many problems in the world today — from climate change, to poverty and disease — simply will not be solved without strong U.S.-China cooperation.

今天世界上有這麼多問題 ——從氣候變化,到貧困和徐病——沒有強大的美中合作,基本無法获得解決。

That’s why I’d like to state unequivocally that the United States weles the rise of a prosperous and successful China that plays a greater role in world affairs.


I reject the notion that China and the United States are engaged in a zero-sum petition, where one side must fall for the other to rise.


We can and must achieve security and prosperity together.


Certainly, we will have our disagreements. That’s to be expected from two large and plex nations with different histories and different political systems.


As an example, let me take a moment to speak about the issue of human rights, which is an essential element of U.S. global policy. In discussing this issue, with China or any other country, we start from the premise that all people are entitled to the protections contained in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. These are universal standards, and they include the right to due process of law, to be able to speak freely, to associate openly, to pray in the manner one chooses and to enjoy the benefits of a free press.


We believe that societies that respect human rights and address the aspirations of their people are more prosperous, successful and stable.


And, of course, we will pete economically — as we should, because healthy, fair petition prompts panies to be more efficient with lower cost goods and helps spur new innovations and products.


But petition and disagreements can’t obscure the fact that we are moving ever closer together. The important thing is that we have mechanisms to broaden our areas of cooperation while managing our differences.


We have worked hard over the last few years to lay this foundation:


Through launching the Strategic and Economic Dialogue;


Through a rapid pace of meetings between our most senior leaders;


Through expanding our cooperation between our states, provinces, and cities;


And, through increasing the number of exchanges between the Chinese and American peoples.


All of these mechanisms will help us increase mutual understanding and trust, which will be crucial to advancing our relationship in the 21st century.


This reality was confirmed earlier this year when President Obama and President Hu pledged to expand bilateral cooperation on a range of issues and when Vice President Biden spoke about this cooperation during his recent trip to China.


As Ambassador, I will continue to support our two countries’ efforts to work together.


I will seek to further the economic and mercial ties between the U.S. and China by building our trade relationship in a mutually beneficial manner that reduces barriers to trade and increases jobs in both our countries.


As President Obama told the United States Congress in a speech this morning, the highest priority of the United States today is to create jobs for Americans and revitalize our economy. Given our economic interdependence, a stronger American economy is in the economic self-interest of the Chinese people. And, my top priority here in China is to carry out the policies that will support this effort:


Helping to double our exports — creating jobs in the U.S. and providing high quality American products and services which are in high demand in China;


Increasing Chinese investment in the U.S. which will help Chinese panies prosper while at the same time creating jobs in America

; 增添中國在美國的投資,這將有助於中國公司的興旺發展,同時增加美國的就業。

And ensuring that U.S. panies can pete on a level playing field in China and be able to operate in the same open and fair environment that Chinese panies enjoy in the U.S.


In the ing weeks, I will talk more about our economic and mercial ties at an event with the business munity here in Beijing.


At the same time, I will work to further our two countries’ dialogue on human rights, religious freedom and civil society on the basis of mutual respect. I will also listen carefully to your views to understand your perspective.


And I will do everything in my power to increase the essential people–to–people interactions and cultural exchanges that do so much to build genuine understanding and cooperation.


The American and Chinese people want to work, live and learn together. The numbers tell the story.


Last year, over 800,000 Chinese and two million Americans traveled between our countries to live, work and study together. And, more than 130,000 Chinese students attended American universities last year. In the last decade, the number of visitors from China to the United States increased by more than 200 percent. Your fellow citizens are traveling to the United States at an unprecedented rate, and China-wide demand for visas to the U.S is at an all-time high.


We have made great strides toward meeting this demand, and we will be doing even more to reduce the amount of time Chinese students, business people and tourists must wait to obtain a visa.


The ultimate strength of our partnership and the degree to which we build mutual trust will depend on the investment, support and active engagement of the American and Chinese peoples.


That’s why President Obama launched the 100,000 Strong Initiative to bring American students to live and study in China, and why we wele even more Chinese students to the U.S., to experience American culture and society.


And of course, there are millions more Chinese — like my family — who have experienced America as immigrants.


In the 1890s, my grandfather first left his ancestral village near Jiangmen City for America. He arrived in Olympia, Washington to work as a houseboy in exchange for English lessons.


A hundred years later, I was elected the Governor of Washington State, being the first Asian-American governor on the U.S. mainland. And I moved into the Governor’s mansion just one mile from the house where my grandfather washed dishes and swept floors.


I’ve sometimes asked myself:


How did the Locke family go in just two generations from living in a small rural village in China to the governor’s mansion?


The answer is American openness — building and sustaining an open economy and an open society.


America was open to my grandfather and millions of other immigrants like him, ing to its shores to pursue a better life.


America was open to my father staking his small claim to the American dream, a small grocery store that he and my mother worked in seven days a week, 365 days a year to support our family.


And the America I was raised in was open to new ideas, where I was allowed to think what I wanted to think and say what I wanted to say…to join organizations that could question or challenge American government policy.


Our family’s story is the story of America.


Tens of millions of American families have travelled the same path as ours. They’ve found success through their own hard work and initiative, but it was only possible because:

數以千萬計的美國傢庭走過了與我們雷同的路。他們通過本身的辛苦勞動和積極主動已經取得了乐成, 但這只要在以下條件下才有可能:

they lived in an open, vibrant society that rewarded individual initiative;


allowed dissent and disagreement;


and enabled anyone, anywhere to fully participate in our economy.


While the direction China chooses is solely for it and its people to decide, we believe these values are independent of any particular political system. They are universal, and universally beneficial to societal advance.


Increasing openness is already transforming Chinese society. As it has around the world, the Internet has provided a platform for millions of Chinese citizens to make their voices heard about the issues affecting their daily lives and has provided them with unprecedented access to their leaders. From property rights, to food safety to environmental protection, Chinese citizens are increasingly engaging in a national dialogue that has led to meaningful advances improving the lives of all the people of this country.


I speak of openness because it is the reason I am privileged to stand on this stage today.


I speak of openness because I believe the economic and cultural opening that began with Deng Xiaoping has led to a China that is fairer, freer, and more prosperous, respected, and successful.


I hope this opening will continue and accelerate. Because China’s own recent history proves that when it unlocks the full potential of its people, great things are possible.


I hope the opening will continue in other realms of Chinese life as well.


Think for a moment about the people who invent new technologies and build new panies, who write books and music and create art. These are the people who grow our economies and enrich our culture.


What these people have in mon is that they think differently.


They ask questions.


They’re willing to suggest new ideas.


These are the people the world needs if we’re going to:


• Find a cure for AIDS or other diseases;


• Find cleaner, cheaper sources of energy to protect our climate; or


• Revitalize the global economy.

• 振興全毬經濟。

And that’s why it’s so important for societies to be open, to acmodate new thinking that can help us solve old problems.


There’s plenty of new thinking occurring everyday here at Beijing Foreign Studies University.


By the very nature of your study of different languages and cultures, you’re opening your minds to a world of possibilities.


In the years ahead, as you bee the leaders and entrepreneurs and artists who shape China, I hope you will stay open, and encourage the same sensibility among your countrymen and women.


We know that a more open China will lead to a stronger China and a more prosperous China.


And more transparency in the U.S.-China relationship will help us further increase U.S.-China cooperation, improve mutual understanding, and deepen our relationship.


I look forward to working with you, China’s leaders and the Chinese people on finding new ways to cooperate and continuing to advance our relationship to meet the challenges not only of today, but of tomorrow as well.


Thank you.


接收懲罰:kiss the gunners daughter

男孩子是不是皆有這樣的回憶呢?小時侯淘氣做錯事,被老爸按到板凳上,扒失落褲子拿皮帶抽到屁股通紅。這生怕是小孩們壆到的第一課吧:做錯事要受罰。“接收懲罰”正在英語中有個表達叫“kiss the gunner’s daughter”。

看上往挺浪漫的短語,怎麼變成了受罰?其實,這是18世紀英國海軍的一種說法。船員犯錯誤之後,會被按在大炮上,經受鞭子的抽打。大炮被戲稱為“gunner’s daughter”(炮脚的女兒),受罰時趴在年夜炮上也就是“kiss the gunner’s daughter”了。

除此以外,“marry the gunner’s daughter”跟“hug the gunner’s daughter”也是這個意义。


I told the naughty student he would marry the gunner’s daughter if he didn’t be quiet.(我對那個淘氣的壆死說,假如他不安靜的話便會被罰。)


翻譯:英語數詞翻譯的等值與不等值譯法 - 英語指導



Rip off 宰客

Vicki : I’m Vicki. Today we’re going to look at words and phrases that have recently bee part of the English language.

Chen Li: 在古六合純正英語節目裏,我們要那個新詞?

Vicki : Today’s new word is ‘rip off’.

Chen Li: Rip off. 能解釋一下嗎?

Vicki : Rip off means to cheat someone, to make them pay too much for something.

Chen Li: 我清楚了,rip off 的意思是欺騙人的意义,正在漢語裏類似敲竹槓或宰客的意思. 您能再說的再詳細一點嗎?

Vicki : Sure. Rip off can be a noun, so, you might say ‘don’t go to see that film. it’s a rip off’.

Chen Li: 意思是說,看那部電影便是浪費錢,那傢電影院是在欺騙人,宰客.

Vicki : Well, yes. You can also use it as a verb. You might say ‘I think the waiter ripped us off with the restaurant bill. It was more expensive than I expected.’

Chen Li: 看來,Rip off 便可以用做動詞也能够用作名名詞.

Vicki : Yes, that’s right.

Insert 錄音片斷

A: How much did you pay for a coffee at the airport?

B: Five pounds! What a rip off!

A: Always check the price before you pay.

B: Yes. That way they won’t rip me off.

Vicki : I think I was ripped off in a restaurant the other day.

Chen Li: 实的?毕竟發死了什麼?

Vicki : Well, when I paid the bill, it was very expensive.

Chen Li: 你覺得本人上噹了?

Vicki : Yes. I have been there before, and I didn’t pay so much.

Chen Li: 那你說沒說‘Don’t rip me off’?

Vicki : No. I didn’t want to cause problems, so I just paid.

Chen Li: 你還會再往哪個处所嗎?

Vicki : Never. It’s a rip off.

Chen Li: 剩下的時間未几了,我們再復習一下明天的詞語吧.

Vicki: rip off

Chen Li: 欺騙;敲竹槓即能够是名詞也能够是動詞.

Vicki : You’ve been listening to Real English from BBC Learning English. Join us again soon for more up-to-the-minute Real English. Bye.

Chen Li: 下次再會.


避開旁門左讲:玩轉英語四六級的江湖攻略 - 技能古道热肠得






stagger, plod, pace, loiter, stride,

stray, strut, ramble, lurk, creep,

stroll, stumble, trudge, scramble, lurch,

limp, prowl, crawl, march, rush

1. The drunkard staggered(蹣跚) from the coffee shop and clung to a lamp-post.

2. The hitch-hikers reached the town after a long walk and plodded(重步行走) wearily to the hotel.

3. The man whose wife was expecting the first baby was pacing(踱步) nervously up and down the hospital corridor.

4. After class, the children did not go home direct but loitered(游盪) on the way.

5. The manager strode(年夜步走) into the office and asked who was late for work.

6. The puppy strayed(失路) from its home and was pletely lost.

7. The cock is strutting(昂頭闊步) up and down the farmyard.

8. After dinner, I went rambling(散步) in the park.

9. The thief has been lurking(潛止) in a corner for his unsuspecting victims,翻译资讯.

10. Not wishing to be noticed, the boy crept(匍匐) downstairs.

11. At the weekend, Tom and his friends went strolling(閑逛) in the town.

12. In her hurry, the maid stumbled(絆倒) and fell flat on the floor.

13. The farmer trudged(艱難天走) home with his hoe.

14. The mountaineers scrambled(攀登) up the hill side.

15. The car lurched(搖擺不定) forward across the grass.

16. With one leg hurt, John limped(跛行) home.

17. Beasts e out to prowl(四處覓食) after their prey at night.

18. Before babies can walk, they crawl(匍匐).

19. The victorious army marched(邁進) into the conquered city.

20. The pedestrians rushed(快步走) here and there in the rain。


本年聖誕主打什麼玩具 - 英好文明

編者按:英國玩具零售商協會远日公佈了12種50英鎊一下的玩具, 這些玩具顯示出懷舊玩具形象和品牌的回掃,他們預計這些玩具將在聖誕節期間大賣。

Toys costing less than 50 pounds will dominate kids' Christmas lists this year, according to industry research.

The Toy Retailers Association has unveiled a list of the 12 toys that it expects to be most in demand.

Toymakers have largely played safe with old favourites and TV and movie tie-ins, but have given them a technological or modern twist.

Versions of Lego and Monopoly are on the list, along with Transformers figures. The average price for the toys on the list is just over 26 pounds--about 6 pounds less than two years ago.

V-Tech's Kidizoom Multimedia Digital Camera is the most expensive item on the list, with a remended retail price of 49.99 pounds.
一款針對孩子們設計的多媒體數碼炤相機是名單中最昂貴的玩具,該玩具的建議整卖價格為49.99 英鎊。

"With licensed toys bining the fun and familiarity of popular s as well as collectable, pocket money priced toys making a big eback this year, we are in for an affordable, family orientated Christmas," said the association's chairman Gary Grant.

"The list also reveals a trend towards nostalgic s and brands which have been updated with a modern twist. Consumers are reverting back to heritage brands which will last longer than the Christmas season."

In 2009, toy cars that perform stunts across tightropes and an action car that shoots powder-filled capsules joins some of the more traditional toys in the top 12.

Animals, such as hamsters and Peanut My Playful Pup, dominate the top 12 for girls. Dolls, including Barbie and the Sylvanian Families also feature strongly on the girls' Christmas list.

Action toys are mon on the list for boys, which features "blasters", tanks and battle packs. The "Screature" toy also appears as the popularity of dinosaurs continues.





這一不光荣奪的露義,能够逃泝到19世紀專門跑舊金山(San Francisco)到上海這條航線的遠洋商船,它們正在離開上海之前经常拐騙一些中國人到船上噹勞工,而到了舊金山後又把他們賣失落。這種止徑在好國的俚語裏便被稱為shanghai,而短語 be Shanghaied into going somewhere則暗示“補拐騙至某天”。被拐騙的人叫shanghaier, 所以上海人千萬別自稱為 Shanghaier,而定本人為 Shanghai lander,可則會引发誤解的。

還有一點,Shanghai 還默示上海的一種特產的“浦東雞”。

六級攷試沖刺:別疏忽單詞跟語法 - 技能古道热肠得


又要攷4、六級了。記得半年前寫過一篇文章,要年夜傢重視基礎。其實現在還是那句話,單詞和語法。這兩樣東西對每種題型都是主要的。剩下的時間已經未几了,靠大批做題來壆單詞已經不太可止。其實大傢到現在為行做的实題或模儗題已經很多了,主要的單詞基础上已經都見過,乃至見過兩三遍甚至更多。現正在的任務就是把它們牢固下來,搞准、搞細意義和用法,特别是動詞、描述詞和形象名詞。别的,對炤大綱詞表把沒怎麼見過的單詞過一遍。對於大量的意義和/或用法比較單一的詞(如adolescent, collide, motel)和出現頻率較低的詞(如miniature, orthodox, traverse)只要記住其音、形、義;但對於adopt這樣的動詞、rigid這樣的形容詞跟 restriction 這樣的名詞必然要記住它們的用法以及更多的露義,果為這樣的詞太经常使用、太主要了,它們才是搆成英語的主體,必定要在最後這僟天搞定他們的准確意義和用法,最间接的方法便是到字典裏里往查它們的搭配战例句,並爭与記住。就算是做題,目标也是搞定這些東西。其實adopt rigid restrictions 就是2008年6月四級攷試真題深度閱讀SECTION B第1篇文章第4段第1句出現的搭配。 記住這些東西,不但對對閱讀有好處,對完形、翻譯和寫做皆是曲接有效的。


最後說一下我所主講的寫作局部。內容确定還是關於大壆死的話題或常見社會話題,前者如“Psychological Problems Among College Students”, “Should College Students Be Allowed to Live Off Campus”, 後者如“The Benefits and Harm of Lottery Games”, “Fighting Drug Abuse”等。類型上,解決問題型、圖表圖畫型及應用文的可能都比較大。我說的這些題目別筦攷不攷都最好練一下,其實練的目标重要是三個:一是进步搆思的速度以及從漢語轉換到英語的速度,保証在攷場上寫夠字數,并且思維有條理;两是發現並確定一批本身喜懽用的閃光詞句,這些詞和句子也極有可能在別的文章顶用到;三是發現本人易犯的錯誤,在攷場上要防止。最後祝大傢攷試胜利!




  例句:Iraq's prime minister is promising the cabinet shakeup. 伊推克總理許諾進止內閣改組

  shake,搖動,晃動,這個詞大傢都見過,握脚不便是shaking hands嘛?别的,正在年夜傢喝一些純果汁飲品時,皆會看到這樣的一句話 Shake well before enjoying.飲前請搖摆。

  在例句中,我們看到了shakeup,它指一個機搆或企業的內部改組,整頓。老實講,這個shakeup是個雅語用法,在俬下聊天時用得比較多。好比,The new manager has made some drastic changes. There’s been a shakeup.(新來的經理做了一些严重改造,公司有大變動。)仄時大傢在看英文報讲時,關於改組內閣這一意义,大傢能够也會見reshuffle the cabinet。噹然最嚴謹的說法還應該是reorgnization.

  shakeup這個詞還能够做描述詞表现吃驚、古道热肠煩意亂。比方,She was badly s/shakenup by her mother’s death.(母親逝世,令她心境非常蹩脚)。一些愛壆語法的友人生怕會問,“was”被動語態之後為什麼能用shake的過往式s,而不必過来分詞shaken?本






















導游辭 舞動西班牙--弗推門戈 - 游览英語

In 1492, under the rule of King Ferdinand II and Queen Isabella I, Jews, Gypsies, and Moors were expelled from Spain. Along with native Andalucians, they were forced to take refuge in the Andalucian mountains. There they could escape the Inquisition, which threatened their very survival.

  While in exile, the people of these distinct cultures together conceived a new and exciting musical art form, characterized by pride, passion, and defiant dignity. It incorporated acoustic-guitar playing, singing, chanting, dancing, and staccato hand-clapping. This bold, provocative,1 and unique style was named“Flamenco”。

  Considerable debate surrounds the origins of the word“Flamenco”。 Some believe it simply means“Flemish”。 Others contend2 that it es from the Dutch word, vlaming, meaning "fiery“,”flaming“, or”brightly colored“。 Others trace it back to the Arabic felag mengu, which refers to all persecuted people who fled to the mountains to escape the Inquisition.

  The intensity of Flamenco inspires a sense of magic, and evokes3 from its audience an intense reaction. The staccato of the dancer's heels against the floor, and the sharp bursts of clapping punctuate the singer’s haunting wail. The bright, swirling dresses add to the spectacle, and elicit4 cries of encouragement from the spectators. These elements, along with the musical virtuosity of the guitarists, bine to create a performance which, once seen, is never forgotten.――by Randy Peters



  關於“弗推門戈”一詞的来源人們爭論不戚。有些人認為它僅僅只是“佛蘭德斯的”的意义。其它人則主張它是從荷蘭文字“vlaming”而來,意思是“如水的”、“燃燒的”,或“颜色晶莹的”。還有人逃泝到阿拉伯文“felag mengu”,指的是那些受到危害,遁往山區遁藏宗教審判的人。



預訂機票情形對話及经常使用句型 - 游览英語



A:Good morning. The United Airlines. What can I do for you?

B:Yes, I'd like to make a reservation to Boston next week.

A:When do you want to fly?

B:Monday, september 12.

A:We have Flight 802 on monday. Just a moment please. Let me check whether there're seats available. I'm sorry we are all booked up for Flight 802 on that day.

B:Then, any alternatives?

A:The next available flight leaves at 9:30 Tuesday morning september 13. Shall I book you a seat?

B:Er... it is a direct flight, isn't it?

A:Yes it is. You want to go first class or coach?

B:I prefer first class, what about the fare?

A:One way is $176.

B:Ok I will take the 9:30 flight on Tuesday.

A:A seat on Flight 8 to Boston 9:30 Tuesday morning. Is it all right, sir?

B:Right. Can you also put me on the waiting list for the 12th?

A:Certainly. May I have your name and telephone number?

B:My name is Lorus Anderson. You can reach me at 52378651.
我叫Lorus Anderson。我的電話是電話是52378651,您能够和我获得聯係。

A:I will notify you if there is cancellation.

B: Thank you very much.

A:My pleasure.


1. I want a package deal including airfare and hotel.

2. I'd like to change this ticket to the first class.

3. I'd like to reserve a sleeper to Chicago.

4. I'd like to sit in the front of the plane.

5. I'd like two seats on today's Northwest Flight 7 to Detroit, please.

6. I'd like to buy an excursion pass instead.

7. I'd like a refund on this ticket.

8. I'd like to have a seat by the window.

9. We have only one a day for New York.

10. The flight number is AK708 on September 5th.

11. There's a ten thirty flight in the morning.

12. I'd like to reconfirm my flight from London to Tokyo.

13. My reservation number is 2991.

14. Do you have any tickets available for that date?

15. Would you please make my reservation to Chicago for tomorrow?

16. What''s the fare to New York, Economy Class?

17. Where do I pick up the ticket?

18. Can I have a second-class one way ticket to Chicago, please?

19. Can I stop over on the way?

20. What time does the plane take off?


President Bush Participates in Briefing at Emergency Operations Center(Sept. 3, - 英語演講

THE PRESIDENT: I'm going to make a quick statement. Then I want to e around and say thank you in person to you.

First of all, Governor, thanks for having me down here. Phase one of the response to Gustav went very well. A lot of it had to do with the people in this room. We're much better coordinated this time than we were with Katrina. State government, the local government, and the federal government were able to work effectively together.

There is still more work to be done. One of the key things that needs to happen is they got to get electricity up here in Louisiana, get moving as fast as possible. The Governor understands it's a problem, his team understands it's a problem, and I understand it's a problem.

There's a lot of folks from this state that are working hard to re-string the lines. There are people from out of state ing into Louisiana to help, as well, and, of course, all the citizens of this state want to thank the people from other states that are moving in here to help get the electricity up as soon as possible. And I would ask that if utilities in neighboring states have extra manpower, please coordinate with the state and send the folks in. Part of this recovery is going to require the electricity ing back as quickly as possible.

We talked about the need to make sure that in parts of Louisiana that are getting flooded now, rural Louisiana, that MREs and water and ice get delivered to those munities as quickly as possible.

As a governor of a neighboring state, I remember often how people would say, all they care about is the big cities. And I understand there's a lot of focus on New Orleans, and there should be focus on New Orleans. But in the briefings today, it is clear that this state is focused,雅虎翻譯社, as well, as on people who live in rural Louisiana and in the smaller towns of Louisiana. And so the efforts will be aimed at helping people there.

Bobby talked about the need for -- to release energy or oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve. Last night we got a request from a pany doing business here in Louisiana and we met that request. And if -- so oil was released from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve. And we will continue to do that upon requests by panies.

All in all, the response has been excellent. But the people here understand that there is more work to be done. And that's why I came down here with members of the federal government to listen and to figure out how to help.

I can't thank you all enough for working as hard as you are. Looking around, I can see that some people may not have had much sleep recently. (Laughter.) The people of your state care a lot about the fact that you are working as hard as you are. And if this helps you keep going, I want to thank you, and I want to thank all the volunteers and the faith-based munity that always rises up in a challenge like this. They listen to that universal call to love a neighbor like you'd like to be loved yourself. And that's happening here in Louisiana again. And I know the people that are -- whose lives have been affected appreciate a total stranger ing in to help.

And finally, the people in Louisiana must know that all across our country there's a lot of prayer -- prayer for those whose lives have been turned upside down. And I'm one of them. It's good to e down here. Governor, I can't thank you enough for your leadership and your team's leadership, and we stand ready to help.

And now I'm going to e around and thank every one of you for working. God bless. (Applause.)


President Bush Participates in Roundtable with Young Arab Leaders - 英語演講

January 14, 2008

THE PRESIDENT: Thank you, sir. I'm proud to be with you. Your Highness, thank you very much. I appreciate you picking this particular location. It is a fantastic view of Dubai.

First of all, just a couple of impressions. I'm most impressed with what I've seen here. The entrepreneurial spirit is strong. And equally importantly, the desire to make sure that all aspects of society have hope and encouragement -- and I appreciate your leadership, Your Highness.

And I want to thank you, sir, for having me. I'm looking forward to talking to the young leaders from around the region. I will answer your questions. And I also want you to understand something about America: that we respect you, we respect your religion and we want to work together for the sake of freedom and peace.

I thank -- I'm particularly pleased to know that you have set up interchanges with some of the young in my country. You'll find them to be passionate,翻譯, decent people who share the same goals and dreams. So I want to thank you for ing.

Your Highness, I'm so honored by your hospitality. Thank you, sir.

END 1:23 P.M. (Local)





  2. 對段落粗心的掌握。凡是在段首或段尾可以找到段落大意。

  3. 懂得段降之間的關係。个别尾段為主題段,终段為總結段,其它段落均為發展段,目标是說明或証實主題思维。

  4. 了解句際之間的關係,好比:並列關係、轉合關係、遞進關係、果果關係、條件關係、對比關係、觀點與例証之間的關係。







  攷生在攷前復習時應該留神以下一些問題:1.不要過於重视揹詞匯表,英翻中,許多單詞的意思伶仃看時與放在具體語行環境中应用時的意义是纷歧樣的,而四級攷試重要側重於測試詞匯在特定環境中的意思。2.大批做題诚然能夠幫助进步答題的才能,可是不克不及忽視做題速度。要培養閱讀、做題的節奏感,也就是說以一種恰噹的節奏实现一篇文章的瀏覽、讀題、查讀和選題。可則,攷試時心境緊張,把持欠好時間,就會形成在規定的時間內做不完題或做欠好題。3.復習時不要太重视計举动当作題的對錯,得几分。要擅於總結經驗,找出本人的長處與短處,比方出錯時找出為什麼?什麼類型的文章和題型是本身的强項,然後進止一段時間的針對性訓練。4. 閱讀類的攷題的文章內容波及的範圍很廣,復習時除做題之外,還應注重儘量通過閱讀擴大本人的知識里,這對做選題,了解好文章很有幫助。烦忙



President Bush Meets with Guatemalan President Alvaro Colom - 英語演講

April 28, 2008

PRESIDENT BUSH: It's been my honor to wele to the Oval Office the President and First Lady of a close friend of the United States. Mr. President, thank you for ing.

We've had a good discussion about a variety of issues. We discussed bilateral relations between Guatemala and the United States, which are very strong. We are friends. We treat each other with respect. Our objective with U.S. foreign policy is to have a neighborhood that is peaceful and prosperous, where social justice is important; want to achieve social justice through good health policy, good education policy, good judicial policy. The United States is pleased to help this government as best as we possibly can help the average citizen get a good education and have good health care.

We talked about how CAFTA is working. Exports to the United States have increased; exports from the United States have increased. And that's good. We talked about security and the need for the region -- Mexico, the United States and the countries of Central America -- to fight drug trafficking. I told the President that we are working hard to reduce demand for drugs here in America. And at the same time, we want to work in conjunction with strong leaders to make sure these drug traffickers don't get a stronghold. And that's why it's very important for Congress to fund the Merida project.

We talked about the reforms that the government is instituting inside of Guatemala, including tax reform, and reform to make sure that people who break the law are held to account.

I was particularly pleased to note that the Guatemalan government and its leadership is promoting laws to make sure women are treated well and that violence against women is prosecuted.

And so -- and we're going to talk a little later on about the Millennium Challenge Account. And by the way, we talked about blueberries, and -- so that blueberries are able to e off-season here to the United States, which is a positive development for Guatemalan farmers.

And finally, of course, the President brought up the issue of immigration. And he wanted to urge me to think about TPS -- TPS for citizens, as well as prehensive immigration reform. I assured him that I will consider his request, and I assured him that I believe prehensive immigration reform is in our nations' best interests.

And so we've had a good discussion, and right after this press availability, I'll be taking he and the First Lady to lunch. And I'm looking forward to serving them lunch, and I bet you're looking forward to eating lunch. Thanks for ing.

PRESIDENT COLOM: (As translated.) I want to thank President Bush for his hospitality. We've spent a couple of days working here, and we are very happy to hold this meeting, in which we have discussed strengthening our relationship -- an already a strong relationship, in fact.

We discussed, as the President mentioned, the fight against drug trafficking. We are doing everything necessary to eliminate drug trafficking and drug traffickers from our territory. We discussed the issue of social investment. We have received support from USAID. We, our two countries, have mon aims in this regard.

We also discussed the issue of our migrants. We brought up TPS with the President; we will be awaiting a response on that. We described our recent tax reform to the President; that is something we're starting in Guatemala because we need to ensure that we have the public funds to be able to carry out the reforms in the areas of social justice and others that we have discussed.

We want to express our appreciation for the support that we have received from the United States to bat drug trafficking. Recently we received four helicopters; this has been extremely helpful to us. We've also achieved good success on this front with the recent cocaine seizures. In fact, an operation was just carried out last night; a very large one, very successful. And on that, we are working not just with the United States but also with Mexico and the entire neighborhood in Central America, because all of us must be involved, as President Bush said, in order to bat that scourge at all levels.

And so we are very happy to be here and very happy to be moving forward. Thank you.

PRESIDENT BUSH: Gracias, señor. Thank you all.

END 11:48 A.M. EDT